
Insights can be used to compare metrics for building portfolios or individual buildings over time.

General Overview

General Overview

Insights, accessed from the left navigation bar, allows comparison of metrics, such as Energy or Greenhouse Gas Emissions, over time.

This can be useful for implementing Building Performance Standards to reach zero energy or emissions goals by a certain date.

Insights allows users to:

  • Import data into cycles over time with updated metrics in the building data as buildings are made more energy efficient
  • Compare the updated metrics to a target to understand how building energy performance is improving
  • View metrics at a portfolio level based on building type or other criteria
  • View individual buildings

Insight Options

The Insights options include:

  • Program Overview
  • Property Insights
  • Default Reports
  • Custom Reports
  • Portfolio Summary

High level previews of the Insights options are shown below. More details are contained in the specific sections for each option.

Program Overview

This option shows portfolio compliance with a performance target over time

Property Insights

This option shows compliance for individual buildings

Default Reports

This option allows graphing of different metrics

Custom Reports

This options shows the metric trend over time for a collection of properties

Portfolio Summary

Details coming soon

Program Configuration

Program Configuration

The Program Configuration screen is where the set up for a given "program" is defined

Setting up the Data

Because Insights is used to look at trends over time, it is necessary to import data over time in different cycles

  • Import metrics (ie, Site EUI or GHG emissions) for each building as well as targets for those metrics
  • Define "derived fields" to calculate target "deltas" if that is useful

Program Configuration

Click on the Program Configuration link to define the criteria for these "program" reports

There are three components to define on the Program Configuration page:

  • General Settings
  • Metric Type Settings
  • Visualization Settings

General Settings

For a new program, click the green New Program button, and the information under General Settings will be blank

  • Change the "New Program" name to the desired name
  • Choose the Cycles to use
  • Choose the Filter Group to use

Metric Type Settings

This section is where the compliance between the actual and the target metrics are defined

Visualization Settings

The Visualization Settings determine the X-Axis options in the Property Insights view

Program Overview

Program Overview

The Program Overview option shows portfolio compliance with a performance target over time (cycles)

Program Configuration

Click the Program Configuration button to set up the metrics to compare

In this example, the configuration setting are:


  • Cycles: This EUI Comparison program is looking at data from 2019 - 2023
  • Filter Group: For this program, the filter group includes all buildings. If multiple Filter Groups are defined, more than one Filter Group can be selected here


  • Metrics: Site EUI
  • Actual Value: Site EUI (kBtu/ft2/year), from the pulldown list of fields for the building
  • Target Value: Site EUI Target (kBtu/ft2/year), from the pulldown list of fields for the building
  • Type: This setting defines "compliance". In this case, the Target EUI value must be larger than the Actual EUI value, meaning the building's actual site EUI is less than the target set for that building

Property Insights

Property Insights

The Property Insights option shows the compliance status for individual buildings, again based on the program configuration settings.

In the example below, the program being viewed has the following selections:

  • Program: EUI Comparison
  • Cycle: 2022
  • Metric Type: Energy metric (in this example, only energy metric is defined)
  • X Axis: Property Type

Hovering over an individual point displays information about the property

Clicking on that point will open the Inventory Detail view for that building

Below the graph is a small table which shows the number of Compliant and Non-Compliant buildings. Clicking on either section will display a list of the individual buildings with each status.

Clicking on an individual building will open the Inventory Detail view for that building.

Program Configuration

The Program Configuration set up for the Program Overview also controls the information shown here in Property Insights, repeated here for completeness.

Click the Program Configuration button to set up the metrics to compare

In this example, the configuration setting are:


  • Cycles: This EUI Comparison program is looking at data from 2019 - 2023
  • Filter Group: For this program, the filter group includes all buildings. If multiple Filter Groups are defined, more than one Filter Group can be selected here


  • Metrics: Site EUI
  • Actual Value: Site EUI (kBtu/ft2/year), from the pulldown list of fields for the building
  • Target Value: Site EUI Target (kBtu/ft2/year), from the pulldown list of fields for the building
  • Type: This setting defines "compliance". In this case, the Target EUI value must be larger than the Actual EUI value, meaning the building's actual site EUI is less than the target set for that building

Default Reports

Default Reports

Default reports allow graphing of different metrics

Property Reports Settings

This section of the page defines what data will be plotted, based on the selection of:

  • Cycles to include
  • X Axis metric
  • Y Axis metric

Custom Reports

Custom Reports

Custom Reports show the metric trend over time for a collection of buildings


The Config option in the upper right controls the display (or not) of the configuration settings. If it is "off", the display of the graph has more room on the web page

The table below the graph can be expanded to show the individual properties, and clicking on the buildings will display the Inventory Detail view for the property.

Portfolio Summary

Details coming soon