Views Package¶
SEED Platform (TM), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other contributors. See also
- seed.views.main.angular_js_tests(request)
Jasmine JS unit test code covering AngularJS unit tests
- seed.views.main.celery_queue(self, request, *args, **kwargs)
Returns the number of running and queued celery tasks. This action can only be performed by superusers
{ 'active': {'total': n, 'tasks': []}, // Tasks that are currently being executed 'reserved': {'total': n, 'tasks': []}, // Tasks waiting to be executed 'scheduled': {'total': n, 'tasks': []}, // Tasks reserved by the worker when they have an eta or countdown 'maxConcurrency': The maximum number of active tasks }
- seed.views.main.error404(request, exception)
- seed.views.main.error410(request)
- seed.views.main.error500(request)
- seed.views.main.health_check(request)
Perform a health check without requiring authentication
- seed.views.main.home(request)
the main view for the app Sets in the context for the django template:
app_urls: a json object of all the URLs that is loaded in the JS global namespace
username: the request user’s username (first and last name)
- seed.views.main.version(self, request, *args, **kwargs)
Returns the SEED version and current git sha
Module contents¶
SEED Platform (TM), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other contributors. See also