Installation using Docker
Docker works natively on Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows 10. If you are using an older version of Windows (and some older versions of Mac OSX), you will need to install Docker Toolbox.
Choose either Docker Native (Windows/OSX) or Docker Native (Ubuntu) to install Docker.
Docker Native (Ubuntu)
Follow instructions here.
Docker Native (Windows/OSX)
Following instructions for Mac or for Windows. Note that for OSX you must have docker desktop version 3.0 or later <>.
Building and Running Containers for Non-Development
Run Docker Compose
docker compose build
Be Patient … If the containers build successfully, then start the containers
docker volume create --name=seed_pgdata docker volume create --name=seed_media docker compose up
Note that you may need to build the containers a couple times for everything to converge
Login to container
The docker-compose file creates a default user and password. Below are the defaults but can be overridden by setting environment variables.
username: password: super-secret-password
Don’t forget that you need to reset your default username and password if you are going to use these Docker images in production mode!
Using Docker for Development
The development environment is configured for live reloading (i.e., restart webserver when files change) and debugging. It builds off the base docker-compose.yml, so it’s necessary to specify the files being used in docker-compose commands as seen below.
# create volumes for the database and media directory
docker volume create --name=seed_pgdata
docker volume create --name=seed_media
# build the images
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f build
Running the Server
NOTE: the server config is sourced from config.settings.docker_dev, which will include your if it exists. If you have a, make sure it doesn’t overwrite the database or celery configuration!
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up
If the server doesn’t start successfully, and docker compose logs
doesn’t help,
the django development server probably failed to start due to an error in your config or code.
Unfortunately docker/django logging doesn’t appear to work when the container is first started.
Just try running the server yourself with docker exec, and see what the output is.
The development docker-compose file has some configurable parameters for specifying volumes to use:
SEED_DB_VOLUME: the name of the docker volume to mount for postgres
SEED_MEDIA_VOLUME: the name of the docker volume to mount for the seed media folder
Docker will use environment variables from the shell or from a .env file to set these values.
This is useful if you want to switch between different databases for testing. For example, if you want to create a separate volume for storing a production backup, you could do the following
docker volume create --name=seed_pgdata_prod
SEED_DB_VOLUME=seed_pgdata_prod docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up
NOTE: you’ll need to run docker compose down
to remove the containers before you
can restart the containers connecting to different volumes.
Running Tests
While the containers are running (i.e., after running the docker compose up command), use docker exec to run tests in the web container:
docker exec -it seed_web ./ test --settings config.settings.docker_dev
Add the setting --nocapture
in order to see stdout
while running tests. You will need to do this in order to make use of debugging as described below or the output to your debug commands will not display until after the break point has passed and the tests are finished.
Also worth noting: output from logging (_log.debug, etc) will not display in any situation unless a test fails.
To use pdb on the server, the web container has remote-pdb installed. In your code, insert the following
import remote_pdb; remote_pdb.set_trace()
Once the breakpoint is triggered, you should see the web container log something like “RemotePdb session open at, waiting for connection …”. To connect to the remote session, run netcat from inside the container (using the appropriate port).
docker exec -it seed_web nc