Installation on OSX
These instructions are for installing and running SEED on Mac OSX in development mode.
Quick Installation Instructions
This section is intended for developers who may already have their machine ready for general development. If this is not the case, skip to Prerequisites. Note that SEED uses python 3.
install Postgres 11.1 and redis for cache and message broker
install PostGIS 2.5 and enable it on the database using CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
install TimescaleDB 1.5.0
use a virtualenv (if desired)
git clone
create a in the config/settings folder and add CACHE and DB config (example
to enable geocoding, get MapQuest API key and attach it to your organization
export in all terminals used by SEED (celery terminal and runserver terminal)
- pip install -r requirements/local.txt
for condas python, you way need to run this command to get pip install to succeed: conda install -c conda-forge python-crfsuite
npm install
./ migrate
./ create_default_user
./ runserver celery -A seed worker -l INFO -c 4 –max-tasks-per-child 1000 -EBS django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
navigate to in your browser to add users to organizations
main app runs at
The python create_default_user will setup a default superuser which must be used to access the system the first time. The management command can also create other superusers.
./ create_default_user [email protected] --organization=lbl --password=demo123
These instructions assume you have MacPorts or Homebrew. Your system should have the following dependencies already installed:
git (port install git or brew install git)
graphviz (brew install graphviz)
pyenv (Recommended)
Although you could install Python packages globally, this is the easiest way to install Python packages. Setting these up first will help avoid polluting your base Python installation and make it much easier to switch between different versions of the code.
brew install pyenv brew install pyenv-virtualenv pyenv install <python3 version you want> pyenv virtualenv <python3 version you want> seed pyenv local seed
PostgreSQL 11.1
sudo su - root
port install postgresql94-server postgresql94 postgresql94-doc
# init db
mkdir -p /opt/local/var/db/postgresql94/defaultdb
chown postgres:postgres /opt/local/var/db/postgresql94/defaultdb
su postgres -c '/opt/local/lib/postgresql94/bin/initdb -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql94/defaultdb'
# At this point, you may want to add start/stop scripts or aliases to
# ~/.bashrc or your virtualenv ``postactivate`` script
# (in ``~/.virtualenvs/{env-name}/bin/postactivate``).
alias pg_start='sudo su postgres -c "/opt/local/lib/postgresql94/bin/pg_ctl \
-D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql94/defaultdb \
-l /opt/local/var/db/postgresql94/defaultdb/postgresql.log start"'
alias pg_stop='sudo su postgres -c "/opt/local/lib/postgresql94/bin/pg_ctl \
-D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql94/defaultdb stop"'
sudo su - postgres
brew install postgres
# follow the post install instructions to add to launchagents or call
# manually with `postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres`
# Skip the remaining Postgres instructions!
Configure PostgreSQL. Replace ‘seeddb’, ‘seeduser’ with desired db/user. By default use password seedpass when prompted. Use the code block below in development only since the seeduser is a SUPERUSER.
createuser -P seeduser
createdb `whoami`
psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE "seeddb" WITH OWNER = "seeduser";'
psql -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "seeddb" TO seeduser;'
psql -c 'ALTER ROLE seeduser SUPERUSER;'
PostGIS 2.5
# Assuming you're still root from installing PostgreSQL,
port install postgis2
brew install postgis
Configure PostGIS:
psql -d seeddb -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
# For testing, give seed user superuser access:
# psql -c 'ALTER USER seeduser CREATEDB;'
If upgrading from an existing database or existing file, make sure to add the MapQuest API Key and set the database engine to ‘ENGINE’: ‘django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis’.
Now exit any root environments, becoming just yourself (even though it’s not that easy being green), for the remainder of these instructions.
TimescaleDB 1.5.0
Note, as of version 1.5.0, dumping and restoring databases requires that both the source and target database have the same version of TimescaleDB.
Downloading From Source:
# Note: Installing from source should only be done
# if you have a Postgres installation not maintained by Homebrew.
# This installation requires C compiler (e.g., gcc or clang) and CMake version 3.4 or greater.
git clone
cd timescaledb
git checkout 1.5.0
# Bootstrap the build system
# If OpenSSL can't be found by cmake - run the following instead
# ./bootstrap -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=<location of OpenSSL> # e.g., -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl
# To build the extension
cd build && make
# To install
make install
# Find postgresql.conf
# Then uncomment the shared_preload_libraries line changing it to the following
# shared_preload_libraries = 'timescaledb'
psql -d postgres -c "SHOW config_file;"
# Restart PostgreSQL instance
Python Packages
Run these commands as your normal user id.
Change to a virtualenv (using virtualenvwrapper) or do the following as a superuser. A virtualenv is usually better for development. Set the virtualenv to seed.
workon seed
Make sure PostgreSQL command line scripts are in your PATH (if using MacPorts)
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/lib/postgresql94/bin
Some packages (uWSGI) may need to find your C compiler. Make sure you have ‘gcc’ on your system, and then also export this to the CC environment variable:
export CC=gcc
Install requirements with pip
pip install -r requirements/local.txt
Install npm. You can do this by installing from, MacPorts, or Homebrew:
sudo port install npm
brew install npm
Configure Django and Databases
In the config/settings directory, there must be a file called that sets up databases and a number of other things. To create and edit this file, start by copying over the template
cd config/settings
Edit Open the file you created in your favorite editor. The PostgreSQL config section will look something like this:
# postgres DB config
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis',
'NAME': 'seeddb',
'USER': 'seeduser',
'PASSWORD': 'seedpass',
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '5432',
You may want to comment out the AWS settings.
For Redis, edit the CACHES and CELERY_BROKER_URL values to look like this:
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'redis://'
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache',
MapQuest API Key
Register for a MapQuest API key:
Visit the Manage Keys page: Either create a new key or use the key initially provided. Copy the “Consumer Key” into the target organizations MapQuest API Key field under the organization’s settings page or directly within the DB.
Run Django Migrations
Change back to the root of the repository. Now run the migration script to set up the database tables
./ migrate
Django Admin User
You need a Django admin (super) user.
./ create_default_user --username=[email protected] --organization=seedorg --password=badpass
Of course, you need to save this user/password somewhere, since this is what you will use to login to the SEED website.
If you want to do any API testing (and of course you do!), you will need to add an API KEY for this user. You can do this in postgresql directly:
psql seeddb seeduser
seeddb=> update landing_seeduser set api_key='DEADBEEF' where id=1;
The ‘secret’ key DEADBEEF is hard-coded into the test scripts.
Install Redis
You need to manually install Redis for Celery to work.
sudo port install redis
brew install redis
# follow the post install instructions to add to launchagents or
# call manually with `redis-server`
Install JavaScript Dependencies
The JS dependencies are installed using node.js package management (npm).
npm install
Start the Server
You should put the following statement in ~/.bashrc or add it to the virtualenv post-activation script (e.g., in ~/.virtualenvs/seed/bin/postactivate).
The combination of Redis, Celery, and Django have been encapsulated in a single shell script, which examines existing processes and does not start duplicate instances:
When this script is done, the Django stand-alone server will be running in the foreground.
Open your browser and navigate to
Login with the user/password you created before, e.g., and badpass.
these steps have been combined into a script called The script will also not start Celery or Redis if they already seem to be running.