Templatetags Package



:copyright (c) 2014 - 2022, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Department of Energy) and contributors. All rights reserved. :author

class seed.templatetags.breadcrumbs.BreadcrumbNode(vars, render_func=<function create_crumb>)

Bases: django.template.base.Node


Return the node rendered as a string.

class seed.templatetags.breadcrumbs.UrlBreadcrumbNode(title, url_node, render_func=<function create_crumb>)

Bases: django.template.base.Node


Return the node rendered as a string.

seed.templatetags.breadcrumbs.breadcrumb(parser, token)

Section author: Andriy Drozdyuk

Renders the breadcrumb.


{% breadcrumb "Title of breadcrumb" url_var %}
{% breadcrumb context_var  url_var %}
{% breadcrumb "Just the title" %}
{% breadcrumb just_context_var %}


First parameter is the title of the crumb
Second (optional) parameter is the url variable to link to, produced by url tag, i.e.:
    {% url "person_detail" object.id as person_url %}
    {% breadcrumb person.name person_url %}
seed.templatetags.breadcrumbs.breadcrumb_root(parser, token)

Section author: Andriy Drozdyuk

Renders the breadcrumb.


{% breadcrumb "Title of breadcrumb" url_var %}
{% breadcrumb context_var  url_var %}
{% breadcrumb "Just the title" %}
{% breadcrumb just_context_var %}


First parameter is the title of the crumb,
Second (optional) parameter is the url variable to link to, produced by url tag, i.e.:
    {% url "person_detail/" object.id as person_url %}
    {% breadcrumb person.name person_url %}
seed.templatetags.breadcrumbs.breadcrumb_url(parser, token)

Same as breadcrumb but instead of url context variable takes in all the arguments URL tag takes.

{% breadcrumb "Title of breadcrumb" person_detail person.id %}
{% breadcrumb person.name person_detail person.id %}
seed.templatetags.breadcrumbs.breadcrumb_url_root(parser, token)

Same as breadcrumb but instead of url context variable takes in all the arguments URL tag takes.

{% breadcrumb "Title of breadcrumb" person_detail person.id %}
{% breadcrumb person.name person_detail person.id %}
seed.templatetags.breadcrumbs.create_crumb(title, url=None)

Helper function

seed.templatetags.breadcrumbs.create_crumb_first(title, url=None)

Helper function